Już 9-10 września 2019 r. w Lublinie odbędzie się pierwsza konferencja branżowa, poświęcona elektromobilności, skierowana do polskich samorządów. Współorganizatorem KNM…
We build connections with organizations and cooperate with smart people all over the world
We build connections with organizations and cooperate with smart people all over the world
We build connections with organizations and cooperate with smart people all over the world
We build connections with organizations and cooperate with smart people all over the world
We build connections with organizations and cooperate with smart people all over the world
We build connections with organizations and cooperate with smart people all over the world
We build connections with organizations and cooperate with smart people all over the world
We build connections with organizations and cooperate with smart people all over the world
W dniach 16-17 maja 2019 r. w Toruniu odbyło się połączone posiedzenie Komisji Ekonomicznej IGKM oraz Komisji Zarządów Transportu IGKM….